STRIVE is directed towards fostering and developing in young people those skills and abilities which enable them to move towards their career goals on a pathway of lifelong learning and success. The course will help Year 10, 11 and 12 students “fill the gaps” in their education in Literacy, Numeracy, Life Skills and Work Readiness. This will give them better opportunities to access their desired career path in work experience, trainee-ships, apprenticeships or further training in a TAFE course.
The purpose of STRIVE is to help individual students to access the relevant programs to suit their individual needs and help them achieve their career, education and personal goals.
Enrolment Process
Enrolment into STRIVE begins with a referral. Students may be referred by parents, teachers, administrators, support staff, Participation Coordinators or self-referral.
Once received, an appointment for interview with the student and their parent/guardian will be organised with the Senior School Deputy Principal to assess the needs of the student, identify possible Educational Pathways, and to ascertain whether The Success Centre, as a flexible learning program, is the best option for the student.
The Senior School Deputy Principal may facilitate connections to other providers, agencies or off – site programs. If the program is deemed suitable for the student, and a place is available, they will be admitted to the program on completion of full application forms and procedures.
If the enrolment is mid – semester, commencement in the program will be tailored to suit the new enrolment and the current cohort.