The English curriculum at Coodanup College aims to empower our students through developing their understanding of language and their ability to use it effectively. Students who are struggling with literacy skills are able to enrol in our specialist CLAN and Focus programs for targeted instruction, including participation in the MULTILIT program for reading. Students are able to develop their literacy skills and then transition into mainstream.
In Years 7-10, we focus on the content strands of Literature, Literacy and Language. Students have the opportunity to improve in the receptive modes of listening, reading and viewing; and the productive modes of speaking, writing and creating. Our students engage in modern learning programs that aim to develop their skills in critical literacy, collaboration, information gathering, creativity and media, whilst increasing their understandings of our need to become effective and thoughtful global citizens of the 21st Century.
In Years 11 and 12, we build on the language abilities the students have already developed and on their widening experience of life. We offer Foundation, General and ATAR English in both years in order to cater for the diverse range of learning needs that our young people demonstrate, and also for the variety of career pathways that they aspire towards.