The Focus program is directed towards fostering and developing in young people those skills and abilities which enable them to move towards their career goals on a pathway of lifelong learning and success. It allows for course flexibility and adjustment to individual needs where necessary.
A one, two or three year course will give Year 10, 11 and 12 students the option of completing WACE graduation and/or VET Certificates to suit their career industry areas. All compulsory components are taught under the one teacher method.
in the program for Year 10 is English, Mathematics. Science and HASS. Students
will then select two additional elective subjects.
Foundation students will study English, Mathematics, Career and
Enterprise, an endorsed program (Community Services) and must also complete a
Certificate II in an area of their choice over Year 11 and 12. Students
then select another WACE subject or VET Certificate to study that interest them
or compliment their career objective.
The Foundation courses will give students better opportunities
to access their desired career path in work experience, traineeships,
apprenticeships or further training in a TAFE course.
Focus aims to:
- Engage students in a non-traditional setting
- Improve attendance of students
- Tailor an Individual Education Plan (IEP)
- Make sustainable links with Industry, Communities, and Agencies
Enrolment Process
Enrolment into The Focus Program begins with a referral. Students may be referred by parents, teachers, administrators, support staff, Participation Coordinators or self-referral.
Once received, an appointment for interview with the student and their parent/guardian will be organised with the Senior School Deputy Principal (or at course counselling) to assess the needs of the student, identify possible Educational Pathways, and to ascertain whether The Focus Program, as a flexible, integrated learning program, is the best option for the student.