Inspire Academy
The Inspire Academy launched in 2014 at Coodanup College. The Academy is all about engaging students in their education and helping them develop their academic potential for university entrance. The Academy provides the opportunity for Coodanup College students to be mentored by students from Murdoch University.
Students will have an opportunity to participate in:
- Academic camps and experiences
- Exclusive excursions
- Extension learning opportunities
- Lego Robotics
- Mentoring by University students
- One on one support provided by the Academy Managers.
Student expectations:
- Apply to participate in the Inspire Program
- Maintain a high attendance percentage
- C grade or higher in school reports
- Maintain good behaviour
- Create a portfolio that will clarify your career path
- Participate in extension learning.

Robotic Lego
Inspire Academy students have an opportunity to partake in the Robotic Lego at Coodanup College. The Lego students will have a chance to work alongside Murdoch University Students to share their ideas. Murdoch University will tutor our Inspire Academy students by connecting them with the robotics competitions.
Key Learning Values:
- Design and build programmable robots using motors, sensors, gears, wheels, axles and other technical components
- Build, test, troubleshoot and revise designs to improve robots performance
- Gain practical, hands‐on experience using concepts of all learning areas
- Communicate effectively using scientific and technical language
- Students are encouraged to collaborate and be creative in solving challenges.
There is selection criteria for Inspire Academy students to join the Robotic Lego. You must maintain excellence in attendance, behaviour and learning.